Individual Seed

My Feature

I worked on one main feature in this project. I worked on a review system for the users to write and submit reviews about any book they read out of 5. This review system required major frontend code and a bit of backend code. My feature would link the user (login made by anika) and let them write a review in a custom textbox. My blog will include my frontend and backend code, with brief descriptions of each


Our project was mainly based on an online library. This is for users to find or review books they have read, users can explore new genres, search up books, write reviews, and favorite their own books. These fetaures were split 4 ways, with me, Anika, Ameer, and Arnav having our own separate feautres.


I ended with a B last trimester

Future Plans

In the next trimester, I’m shifting my focus to backend development after spending time exploring the frontend. I want to dive deeper into the technical aspects of server-side logic, databases, and system architecture. This move aims to enhance my skills and understanding of creating the backbone of web applications. I plan to work on mastering server-side scripting languages like Python or Node.js, along with frameworks such as Django or Express.js. By concentrating on the backend, I aim to improve my ability to build efficient and scalable systems, addressing challenges related to data management and application performance. Additionally, I’m looking forward to gaining practical knowledge in optimizing database performance, ensuring data security, and implementing effective API strategies. This strategic shift is geared towards developing a well-rounded skill set that complements my previous experience in frontend development, ultimately contributing to the creation of robust and effective web applications.